How-to Guide: Exchangeable battery change

Batteries and chargers - Swap

The lifter comes with a changeable battery kit, which consist of a wall mounted charger and battery packs.

The exchangeable battery kit can be added on to the Impact 80-90-130-200 series when the lifters are configurated with flex legs.

For E300 lifter, the battery kit is included as standard.

To charge the battery pack:
1: Connect the wall mounting charger to the wall-plug.
    Charging indicator:
    a. Green: The wall mounting charger is connected to main power.
2: Place the changeable battery pack in the wall mounted charger.
3: Charger indicator:
    a. Yellow: The charger is connected and charging.
    b. Green: The batteries are workable.

Quick Tips

Before using the batteries
New batteries should always be fully charged prior to using.

Charge the battery pack daily
The battery pack must be charged daily as total discharge can damage the batteries or shorten their lifespan.

The indicator changes to green after 1 to 5 hours, which corresponds to 80% charge. The battery pack is fit for use as soon as the green light is on. However, it is recommended to do a full charge, which takes approximately 8 hours.

The wall mounted charger automatically charges the batteries and switches to maintenance charging, when the batteries are fully charged.
It is better to charge the batteries, than to disconnect the battery pack or turn OFF the wall mounting charger.

Safety when charging
Use only original charger. Check that the wires are in good condition, connect properly and correct before applying power. Make sure there are no dirt or water in the plug.

The battery status indicator
The lifter is equipped with a battery status indicator, which indicates the battery
status when the lift button is activated.
Red indicator: Batteries must be recharged immediately.
Orange indicator: The batteries are functionally charged.
Green indicator: The batteries are fully charged.

Safety when discharged
Using discharged batteries means an extreme stress for the battery and should be avoided.