Checking the top limit switch on Impact 70-80-90-130-200 and INOX 90-200 series

Model shown is Impact 130
Locate 4-5 screws.
Lift off the cover.
Top limit switch is located approx. 20 cm from the top.
If the top limit switch is not activated when the sledge is in the top position, the lifting tool will jump a little up/down. It is not dangerous, as the overload protection system in PCB will stop the movement.
Failure can be a broken arm of the top limit switch or the contact plate on the sledge.
Be careful when testing the switch!
Lower the sledge/lifting tool to the bottom.
Press the UP button and activate the limit switch by pressing the arm with a screwdriver. The movement shall stop, and you will then have to lower a little bit, before you can go up again.
If you need to replace the top limit switch, use a hexagon key 2,5mm. Make sure the wires are connected to the NC pins 1 & 4. Contact arm with roller shall be mounted in the middle position.
Spare part no 84080016.